The Decision That Redefined My Entire Life

Goose went from being a homeless guy to a very successful human being. And a lot of that came from his sobriety”.

This is how Danni Carr described my journey, when she interviewed me on the ‘How I Quit Alcohol’ podcast.

The way she phrased it really stuck with me…

“His success came from his sobriety.”

Now overall, I think she’s right.

If I was still stuck in the grip of addiction, I doubt you’d be reading this.

I doubt I’d be anywhere close to where I am now.

But the reason why I’m living my dream life, is bigger than the decision to get sober.

It’s more impactful than abstaining from drinking and doing drugs.

I didn’t change my life by becoming sober.

The decision to become sober changed my life.

Powerful Decisions

It started with a series of realisations.

Realisations about my behaviour that… didn’t feel great.

“Hmm, I feel pretty shit after drinking”

“I spent how many hours hungover today?!”

“My partying is bleeding into my relationships and business…”

Making that decision was like a lightning bolt.

A powerful force that split my life into two distinct phases…

“Before” quitting alcohol, and “after” quitting alcohol.

Before & After

For those who don’t know, I used to be a very different person

I used to run music festivals and be fueled by vodka and cocaine.

The “before” phase of my life was a time when I felt like I was the best…

The best at partying.

The best at taking drugs.

The best at getting shitfaced.

But it wasn’t who truly I was.

I didn't know it at the time because I was in too deep…

But I’d lost my personal identity.

I was making bad decisions, one after the other…

Decisions to avoid:

  • Boredom.

  • Difficult self-reflection.

  • Hard conversations.

  • Living my dream life.

Now, I’m living the “after” phase of my life.

What changed?

I took control of my personal narrative.

I made a decision…

A decision to change the trajectory of my life.

To decide that I deserved to see what “after” could look like for me.

One single decision held the power to transform my entire life…

That’s the power decisions have.

And not just for me.

Decisions hold the same power for you…

If you let them.

The Weight of the Status Quo

In the “before” phase of my life, I forfeited the power of decision-making.

I spent day after day, night after night doing the same thing…

The same self-destructive, limiting behaviours…

The same shit that kept me anchored to a life I didn’t truly want.

And I bet you’re feeling that same pull...

Wanting to move forward, but feeling stuck.

That anchor, the one preventing you from escaping your “before”?

It’s your Status Quo.

It’s your invisible boundary that’s keeping you in the “before” phase of your life.

Not because it’s fulfilling…

But because it’s easy.

And you’re afraid to leave that comfort behind.

In my “before” phase, drugs and alcohol were no-brainers for that exact reason.

The choice I gave myself was either, “I could feel bored and unstimulated, or I could drink and feel good right now.”

So I always decided on the second option.

That ease…

That fear of change…

That’s what kept me tethered to the Status Quo…

And that’s exactly what’s keeping you stuck.

When you decide to stick to your daily habits because it’s easier… You’re deciding to stay in the “before.”

But you don’t have to.

Even if you’re afraid to do it…

You have the power to change your life.

To make life-changing decisions.

To pivot your life 180 degrees.

And the decision to seize those opportunities…

Can change everything.

Pivot Points

The opportunity to make better decisions is what propels us forward.

But sometimes it’s hard to recognize that an opportunity even is an opportunity.

Take the realisations I had before I quit alcohol for example.

They didn’t feel awesome.

They were hard pills to swallow.

And they only came after I hit what felt like rock bottom, which made things feel worse.

But, in hindsight, I know those realisations were signals…

Signals that something wasn’t right…

The realisations I had — and the ones you might be having now, too — aren’t random thoughts.

They’re not fleeting thoughts that what you’re doing is destructive.

They’re not nagging concerns that you’re wasting your days away.

They’re the opportunities you’re looking for.

An opportunity to do something different…

To make a change…

To decide that it’s time for something new.

But be warned:

Seizing the opportunities to change your life doesn’t come without challenges.



Harsh self-reflection…

So, you have another decision to make.

Are the hurdles worth the change you want to see?

Are you ready to take them on?

I hope you say yes.

The Hurdles

So, was my decision to quit alcohol worth it?


But I’d be lying if I said it wasn't hard as hell.

Before I was constantly surrounded by stimuli.

Noise, lights, music, substances…

Instant gratification…

I was always “on.”

Always distracted by something… even if it wasn’t good for me.

So, when I quit… I committed to quitting that stimulation, too.

And quitting that stimulation — whether it’s drugs, alcohol, or some other distraction — you send a shockwave through your system.

A shockwave that brings you down from the “high” really fast.

The substance-induced smile wears off…

The meaningless distractions come to an end…

The thoughts you’ve been pushing down creep up…

And, with no artificial stimulus to lean on, you’re left with a single realisation.

I’m not actually happy.”

And it hits you like a ton of bricks.

When you’re in the “before” phase, you don’t think about whether or not you’re really happy.

You’re riding the wave, comfortable and safe in your artificial bubble.

It’s a crutch.

A crutch that stops you from accessing the “after” phase of your life.

But it comes with tough decisions…

“Do I want to pick the easy route? Stay in this false happiness? Pretend everything is okay?”


“Do I want to fully experience what life can offer me? The life I’ve been missing?”

Then, make the decision to remove the crutch (whatever it may be)…

Leave behind that artificial bullshit you’ve been leaning on…

And start reflecting on the life you actually want…

That’s when true happiness will permeate into your life.

So, that decision you made there?

To finally experience true happiness?

Keep making that decision.

No matter how hard it is — and it’s going to be hard — keep showing up.

For yourself, for your business, for your family.

For your “after.”

You’ll begin to see that the benefits of your decisions are beyond your wildest expectations.

The Payoff

As you’re reading this newsletter, I’m living in my “after” phase.

I’m enjoying everything I’ve learned over the years…

All based on one single decision.

In the past, I struggled to manage my old business because my focus was always somewhere else.

Now I don’t share my focus with substances anymore… and my current business is booming.

In the past, I turned to partying and alcohol to keep me stimulated.

Now I don’t use artificial stimulation to challenge myself… and I’m better for it.

In the past, I had a decision to make.

And because of the decision I made for myself…

I’m now living my dream life.

If you’re stuck in the “before” phase of your life, there’s only one way forward…

Only one way to find your “after” and live the life you’ve always wanted…


So… why not start now?

Today, I challenge you to decide.

To make the decision, and commit to:

  • Asking yourself, What Do I Want? And start making a list. Give yourself permission to get it wrong.

  • Identifying how the Status Quo is holding you back, and challenging the “why.”

  • Reframing your approach to discomfort, seeing it as a pathway to growth rather than a feeling to avoid.

It’s a lot to do… and it’s a lot to think about.

But making the decision is where it all starts.


On the other side of that decision?

Is the life that you’ve been waiting for.

What you’ve been missing.

What you’ve been craving.

Location Independence. Financial Freedom. Self-Actualisation.

A better business. A better life. A better you.

I’m living proof that you can change your life through the power of a single decision.

All you have to do?

Make that decision.

Stay awesome, stay powerful.

P.S. I’d love to know… What decision have you been avoiding?

P.P.S: Whenever you’re ready, here are a few things you might be interested in:

  1. Advice On Starting Your Business: A powerful Youtube video where I answered a reader’s question on how to start a successful business.

  2. 'How I Quit Alcohol' Podcast: Here’s the conversation that sparked this newsletter. One of my favourite interviews I’ve ever done.

  3. Follow me on IG: Get bite-sized video content and behind-the-scenes of my nomad entrepreneur life

  4. Join The Waitlist: We’re creating an exclusive online community of 6, 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs seeking to become citizens of the world and achieve self-actualisation through business, lifestyle design, and personal evolution. I think you’ll love it: The Nomad Entrepreneur Network

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